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Discover How to Design Your Own Life 
Using the Power of the Online World & Automation

Discover How to Design Your Own Life Using the Power of the Online World & Automation

Here's what you will learn in my webclass:

  • ​What's possible for you in the online world
  • ​How to start a business online next to your full-time job
  • ​How to build your way-out from the restrictions you have
  • ​​A proven system that allows thousands of people to travel full-time and create an impact in the world
  • ​Hear from other successful entrepreneurs what has changed for them
  • ​​Introduction to the New Horizons Blueprint - your go-to educational platform with step-by-step guidance and essential business resources

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Hey! I'm Joana 🐞

Your webclass host

After 7 years of working in Consultancy and feeling I was wasting my time in an office, I decided to choose myself and work on something more meaningful - helping people.

This business has changed my life - mentally, physically & financially. And on top of that, gives me the opportunity to transform other people's lives too. And that's why I know this is where I belong!

What has changed for some of the New Horizons members...

Bruno Pereira
Juliana Pereira
Andrew Wens
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